Privacy Accountability
Our Work
BBB National Programs works with individual companies, industry groups, and regulators to develop, monitor, and enforce robust privacy standards. Our trusted privacy programs are tailored to respond to the unique privacy challenges presented by specific data types, like children’s data, or use cases, such as emerging technologies and cross-border transfers.
Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR)
Global Privacy Services
Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP)
Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU)
CPRA Verification
Privacy Recognition for Processors (PRP)
Vendor Privacy Program (VPP)
TeenAge Privacy Solutions
The Center for Industry Self-Regulation convened a diverse set of industry stakeholders to help solve the challenges of data privacy and online safety for teenagers. Participating businesses are working to design safeguards to prevent online harms to this unique group of consumers, building a bridge between privacy protections for children and adults that can serve as a global model.
National Partners in Privacy
BBB National Programs works with businesses to drive the adoption of unified privacy practices, facilitate consumer education and choice, and offer consumers accessible privacy dispute resolution. Our National Partners influence the development of enforceable and fair mechanisms that protect consumers in the marketplace and enable responsible businesses to compete on trust and accountability.