Children’s Initiatives
TeenAge Privacy Roadmap
Metaverse Guardrails
AI Compliance Warning
"Batteries Not Included”
CARU’s cases have set precedent in the children’s space for responsible practices that do not mislead or deceive the vulnerable child audience.
50+ years
Since 1974, companies marketing to children have held each other to a higher standard.
Guidance Documents
Our cases, guidance documents, and compliance warnings have strengthened responsible advertising and privacy practices in the children’s space.
Our Work
Brands can hold each other accountable through independent industry self-regulation. From keeping advertising truthful to achieving compliance with privacy laws, BBB National Programs can help you engage responsibly in the children’s space.
Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU)
COPPA Safe Harbor Services
Children's Food & Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI)
Children’s Confection Advertising Initiative (CCAI)
Case Decision Summaries
CARU Supporters
Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Supporters take an active role in creating new guidance and best practices to help meet regulatory and compliance goals.
Part of our National Partner community, CARU Supporters help one another stay ahead of legal developments and proactively strengthen child-directed marketing and privacy practices.
Guidelines for Children’s Advertising
The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Advertising Guidelines are widely recognized industry standards to assure that advertising directed to children is not deceptive, unfair, or inappropriate for its intended audience. CARU monitors child-directed media to ensure that advertising is compliant with its self-regulatory guidelines.