Truth-in-Advertising Law
Learning the Basics
The Reasonable Basis Standard
Clear & Conspicuous Disclosures
Express & Implied Claims
Endorsements & Testimonials
Health Claims in Advertising
Food & Beverage Advertising to Kids
Formal Guidance
The best way to avoid issues with advertising law is to follow the rules.
The Ad Watchers
Season #1
Ep. 2: What does it mean to have a reasonable basis?
Ep. 3: What’s the recipe for a proper advertising disclosure?
Ep. 4: How do we step into the shoes of the consumer?
Ep. 5: The best podcast ever – what is puffery?
Ep. 6: When are advertisers responsible for consumer ratings and reviews?
Ep. 7: What evidence do you need to support health claims?
Season #2
Ep. 2: How do you get consumer perception surveys right?
Ep. 3: What should you consider before making cosmetic claims?
Ep. 4: How should you present scientific evidence to support your ad claims?
Ep. 6: How is direct selling advertising different?
Ep. 7: Where is the line between ethical design and dark patterns?
Season #3
Ep. 2: It’s not easy being green. What’s next in ESG?
Ep. 3: It’s not puffery. Do you have the evidence to be #1?
Ep. 4: A different playing field. Advertising to kids is different?
Ep. 5: The NAD Top 10 — Did you know?
Ep. 6: What is the appeal of an appeal? Getting to know NARB
Season #4
Ep. 2: Ad Watchers: Revisiting Consumer Reviews: Incentivized, Inflated, or Authentic?
Ep. 3: The best subject in advertising law: Is it puffery?
Ep. 4: Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures: Can You Read the Fine Print?
Ep. 5: AI is Everywhere - What about advertising?
Ep. 6: A Chat with ICAS - What Are Ad Law’s Global Hot Topics?
Stay Informed
At BBB National Programs, we promote truthful, transparent, responsible advertising. Our team provides insights into the advertising law landscape, breakdowns of self-regulatory case decisions, and educational resources on the nuances of advertising claim substantiation.
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Learning from Cases
The Online Archive
Read case summaries in the Case Decision Library for up-to-date guidance on advertising law. Want a deeper dive? Subscribe to the Online Archive to access full legal decisions with detailed guidance spanning decades of case decisions across our programs.
Case Digests
Each digest includes BBB National Programs case summaries, organized by topic. These Digests are updated annually with new cases.
Tips & Best Practices
2025 NAD Annual Conference
Leading the Way in Ad Law
September 16-17, 2025 in Washington, DC
The National Advertising Division (NAD) annual conference will bring together advertising and legal professionals, academic and industry experts, government officials, and businesses of all sizes to examine and navigate the dynamic advertising landscape, best practices and trends, and perspectives on what’s coming next. Check out last year's event.