BBB National Programs Archive

Daily Wellness Participates In ERSP Self-Regulatory Forum

New York, NY – December 13, 2004 – The Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (“ERSP”), the electronic direct-response industry’s self-regulatory forum, announced that The Daily Wellness Company, participated in the voluntary forum and will revise claims made in its print advertising for ArginMax nutritional supplements for men and women. The truth and accuracy of the marketer’s claims came to the attention of ERSP through its on-going monitoring program.

ERSP requested that the marketer provide substantiation for an exclusivity claim that ArginMax was “the only scientifically validated natural, nutritional supplement formula for sexual performance and enjoyment”; and two quantified claims regarding a cited percentage of improvement in sexual performa nce occurring as result of product usage.

ArginMax has agreed to ERSP’s recommendations of modifying future advertising in regards to the exclusivity claim. ArginMax stated that “Although this claim may have been the case when ArginMax was first introduced 5-years ago, we will revise our claims…and cite the appropriate supporting studies.” Although, Daily Wellness disagreed with ERSP’s findings about how its studies were characterized it stated that it “is in the process of reviewing our advertising and in the spirit of voluntary cooperation, … [and] will take serious consideration of [ERSP’s] recommendations in planning future advertisement.”