BBB National Programs Archive

Equibal Inc. Participates In ERSP Forum

New York,NY– Oct. 29, 2007 – The Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP) has determined that Equibal, Inc., marketer of the You Can Shave Too Shaving Formula, can support one  performance  claim  for  the  product.  The  company  has  voluntarily discontinued  a second claim.  The  marketer’s  advertising  was  brought  to  ERSP’s  attention   pursuant to  a consumer inquiry.

ERSP,  the  electronic  direct-response  industry’s  self-regulatory  forum,  is  administered  by  the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) with policy oversight by the National Advertising Review Council (NARC).

Claims at issue in the ERSP inquiry included:

  • “You Can Shave Too actually slows down hair growth”
  • “Won’t leave you with a nasty razor burn or bumps all over your neck”

At the outset of ERSP’s inquiry, the marketer said it has voluntarily discontinued use of the claim

  • “You Can Shave Too actually slows down hair growth.”

Followin g its review  of the  evidence  submitted  by the  advertiser,  ERSP determined  that the marketer  provided a reasonable basis for its claim that You Can Shave Too “Won’t leave nasty razor burn or bumps all over your neck.”

The company, in its marketer statement, said “Equibal is happy that ERSP agreed that our claim has been properly supported. We are a strong advocate of industry self regulation.”