NAD Recommends Inspired Nutrition Discontinue All Challenged Claims for ‘Ultimate Bio-Fibrin’ Supplement

New York, NY – Aug.  11, 2015 – The National Advertising Division has recommended that Inspired Nutrition, LLC, discontinue all challenged claims for the company’s “Ultimate Bio-Fibrin” Dietary Supplement, including claims that the product offers “new hope for conquering chronic diseases like MRSA  staph, Lyme disease, HIV, Hepatitis, Shingles, Herpes.”

NAD is an investigative unit of the advertising industry’s system of self-regulation and administered by the Council of Better Business Bureaus.

The claims at issue were challenged by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN). CRN files challenges with NAD in an effort to encourage manufacturers of dietary supplements to provide substantiation for their advertising claims to an objective, third-party for review and evaluation and to assure that claims being promoted to consumers are truthful, not misleading and are substantiated with credible scientific evidence.

In response to NAD’s initial inquiry, the advertiser said it would discontinue all claims challenged by CRN, action that NAD found necessary given the lack of evidence in the record.

Challenged claims included:

  • “The Best Enzymes Clinical Studies Show to Dissolve Fibrin Biofilms, Cysts and Internal Scarring!”
  • “New hope for conquering chronic diseases like MRSA staph, Lyme disease, HIV, Hepatitis, Shingles, Herpes.”
  • “(Yes, it dissolves internal scarring as well – kidneys, liver, etc.) This has made our chronic illness protocol extremely effective!”
  • “Our Monolaurin is able to kill all pathogen bacteria and 14 virus … .”
  • “Our Bio-Fibrin ingredients not only dissolve biofilms but they also stimulate the body to increase its production of plasmin to help in the process!”
  • “Serrapeptase…is in wide clinical use throughout Europe and Asia as an anti-inflammatory and fibrin dissolver for 35 years.”
  • “Nattokinase has advantages over the traditional clot-dissolving drugs, such as activase, urokinase, and streptokinase because its effects last longer – eight to ten hours longer!”
  • “Bromelain also prevents the conversion of fibrinogen to the excess fibrin that gives structure to biofilms, cysts and blood clots.”
  • “Papain also increases the body’s ability to produce plasmin.”

The company, in its advertiser’s statement, said it would take “NAD’s recommendations into account in future advertising.”


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