Ultimate Shopping Network Participates In ERSP Forum

New York, NY – September 25, 2006 – The Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP) found that the Ultimate Shopping Network (USN), owned by the Ultimate Shopping Network Corporation, substantiated exclusivity and descriptive claims broadcast during several hours of live shopping television.

The marketer’s advertising was reviewed pursuant to ESRP’s monitoring program.

ERSP, the electronic direct-response  industry’s self-regulatory forum, is administered by the Council of Better  Business  Bureaus  (CBBB)  with  policy  oversight  by the  National  Advertising  Review  Council (NARC).

ERSP reviewed core claims that include:

  • “This bag is in satin.  Gucci doesn’t do satin—only Fendi does.” “This is the ring that DeBeers is marketing so highly right now.”
  • “DeBeers has spent millions and millions of dollars marketing this ring’s design.” “This looks exactly like a Fred Leighton ring.”

Following its review of the marketer’s submission, ERSP agreed that the specific claims at issue in the inquiry of the live shopping broadcast were adequately addressed by USN. However, ERSP reminded the marketer that it is responsible for all reasonable net impressions of claims made in this medium and that, to a greater degree than claims made in other static forms of direct response advertising, representations made by program hosts may be of greater significance to consumers with respect to the attributes and characteristics of the products featured during the broadcast.

USN, in its marketer’s statement, said it “… supports and is happy to have participated in ERSP’s self- regulatory program.  USN appreciates … its recognition of the unique nature of live television shopping and is pleased that ERSP found the on air claims at issue to be properly substantiated.”

The marketer added that it,  “…recognizes the wisdom of ERSP’s reminder that claims made live on air by program hosts may be of greater significance to viewers than those made in other static forms of direct response advertising and will take this reminder into account in future broadcasts.”


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