BBB National Programs Decision Summaries
BBB National Programs provides summaries of all case decisions from the National Advertising Division (NAD), National Advertising Review Board (NARB), Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC), and Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP). Subscribe to receive a weekly wrap-up of published case decisions in your inbox.
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1/09/2014 - NARB Panel Recommends Unilever Discontinues Certain Claims, Barbed-Wire Imagery for ‘Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash’
A five-member panel of the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) has recommended that Unilever United States, Inc., discontinue certain advertising claims for the company’s “Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash,” and discontinue the use of barbed wire in imagery of competing products. -
12/20/2013 - NAD Refers Advertising for Xlear’s ‘Spry Dental Defense System’ to FTC for Further Review
The National Advertising Division has referred advertising claims made by Xlear LLC for its “Spry Dental Defense System” to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for further review after the company failed to acknowledge NAD’s recommendations. -
12/19/2013 - NAD Recommends Prescription Vitamins Modify, Discontinue All Claims, Testimonials at Issue for ‘Statinzyme’
The National Advertising Division has recommended that Prescription Vitamins, LLC, modify or discontinue all claims at issue in a recent NAD inquiry, including claims that the product will prevent or relieve the “side effects” of cholesterol-lowering prescription medications or lower one’s chances of a heart attack or stroke. -
12/19/2013 - NAD Finds TruRx Can Support Certain Claims for ‘Minties’ Canine Dental Treats; Advertiser Discontinues ‘Vet Grade,’ ‘Vet Recommended’ Claims
The National Advertising Division has determined that TruRx, LLC, the maker of Minties Dental Treats for dogs, can support certain efficacy claims for the company’s Minties dental dog treats, but recommended TruRx limit advertising claims for the products to the size of dental treat tested by the company. Further, TruRx has agreed to discontinue claims that its products are “vet grade” or “vet recommended.” -
12/19/2013 - NAD Finds Charter Can Support Certain Comparative Advertising Claims, But Determines Other Claims Falsely Disparage AT&T
The National Advertising Division has recommended that Charter Communications, Inc. modify or discontinue certain superior performance and pricing claims made in broadcast and direct-mail advertising. -
12/18/2013 - NAD Recommends Church and Dwight Discontinue ‘2x,’ ‘4x’ Concentration Claims for Laundry Detergents
The National Advertising Division has recommended that Church and Dwight discontinue unqualified “2x” and “4x” concentration claims for the company’s Arm & Hammer Ultra Power 4x Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent, Arm & Hammer 2x Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent and Xtra 2x Concentrated Liquid laundry detergents. -
12/16/2013 - NAD Recommends Neutrogena Discontinue Sunscreen ‘Barrier’ Claim; Advertiser to Appeal
The National Advertising Division has recommended that Neutrogena Corporation discontinue the “sun + water barrier lotion” claim made for its “Beach Defense Sunscreen.” Neutrogena will appeal that finding to the National Advertising Review Board.
12/16/2013 - NAD Finds AIRSLEEP Can Support Certain ‘Brainwave Technology’ Claims for Travel Sleep System; Recommends Company Modify, Discontinue Certain Claims
The National Advertising Division has determined that Applied Technology and Development, LLC, can support certain claims for the company’s AIRSLEEP Travel Sleep System. -
12/10/2013 - NAD Refers Claims for Vysera-CLS to FTC for Further Review
The National Advertising Division has referred advertising claims made by Bremmen Clinical, LLC, for its Vysera-CLS weight-loss supplement, to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for further review. -
12/05/2013 - CARU Recommends LEGO Modify Future Advertising for ‘Pirate Ship Ambush’ to Better Disclose What Comes with Initial Purchase
The Children’s Advertising Review Unit has recommended that LEGO Systems, Inc., modify future advertising for the “Lord of the Rings Pirate Ship Ambush” to make clear which products come with the initial purchase.