BBB National Programs Blog




CEO Insights

Thought leadership on pressing topics and emerging issues from BBB National Programs President & CEO Eric D. Reicin

  • Continuing to Evolve: the 10s, 20s, and the Future of CARU

    The confluence of social media, apps, and digital advertising in the 2010s and 2020s generated new issues that inspired multiple revisions to CARU's Guidelines as well as compliance warnings to address new platforms breaking onto the scene.
    May 29
  • Colorado’s Second Potential Gold Rush: Regulating AI

    Colorado's Senate Bill 205, the AI Act, which goes into effect in 2026, puts the United States ahead of many other privacy-first world leaders and jurisdictions in writing the rules for limiting algorithmic discrimination when AI – in particular, high-risk AI - is leveraged by companies.
    May 28
  • 3 Things to Know Before Filing an EV Lemon Law Claim

    Are you thinking about going electric? You might be wondering how lemon laws differ from EVs to traditional gas-powered cars. The good news is that most lemon laws treat EVs the same as traditional vehicles. Let’s look into three more key things you need to know about electric cars and lemon laws.
    May 28
  • CARU in the 90s and 00s: Privacy & the Internet

    The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) Privacy Guidelines helped form the foundation of COPPA. The arrival of Y2K brought with it an accelerated pivot from traditional advertising to online advertising and experiences, and new challenges in privacy compliance. Read about CARU's notable cases in children’s data privacy.
    May 22
  • Why Trust is Essential to Success in Business

    Trust cannot be imposed by the government, nor can it be proclaimed by a single company operating in a vast marketplace, and that has been true for decades. The building blocks of trust must come not just from businesses themselves but ideally from the industries of which they are a part.
    May 20
  • Renewal Season: 5 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Data Privacy Framework Process

    U.S. companies in the Data Privacy Framework Program (DPF) program recertify each year with the Department of Commerce to assess and account for how they handle and process personal data that originates in the EU, U.K., and/or Switzerland. Here are 5 tips for making it a smooth process.
    May 16
  • The Evolution of CARU: Laying the Foundation in the 70s and 80s

    For the last 50 years, companies marketing to children have held each other to a high ethical standard. The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) was established in 1974 as the U.S. mechanism of independent self-regulation for protecting children from deceptive or inappropriate advertising. Spanning decades, CARU’s early cases reflect the evolution of the children’s advertising and marketing space.
    May 9
  • Think of the Children: A Comparison of APRA and COPPA 2.0

    It is vital that the business community at large parse through the differing approaches of COPPA 2.0 and APRA to children's privacy and understand where these bills would overlap or contradict each other. To help, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) privacy team is breaking them down.
    May 6
  • Unlocking Global Data Privacy Interoperability with CBPRs

    In our digitally connected world, safeguarding personal data is essential. To help accomplish that goal, the new Global Cross Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) System launched this week by the Department of Commerce, offering a much-needed framework for a new era of international data protection.
    May 2
  • Integrating Soft Law as a ‘Middle Way” for Business and Nonprofit Success

    Now is not the time for businesses and nonprofits to go to extremes either. A middle way – a pathway that is built on a strong corporate governance foundation with a keen cognizance of the law – is the optimal path forward for continued innovation.
    Apr 29