CEO Insights

Thought leadership on pressing topics and emerging issues from BBB National Programs President & CEO Eric D. Reicin


  • Mentorship and Sponsorship: Shaping Careers and Growing Leaders

    While mentorship and sponsorship are pathways for career growth, their real value goes deeper than traditional advice or support. With structure, an eye for opportunities, and the right nudge and follow-through, they can grow confident, forward-thinking leaders who drive an organization’s success and otherwise supercharge a career.
    Jan 6
  • The Case for Teaching Industry Self-Regulation in Law, Business, and Public Policy Schools

    Law schools, business schools, and public policy programs have a unique opportunity to shape the future of corporate behavior by teaching students the importance of soft law and independent industry self-regulation.
    Dec 10
  • Privacy Compliance is Complicated and It Matters

    As U.S.-based companies expand operations, understanding and complying with privacy laws becomes essential. Given the variation of privacy laws across different states and the globe, it is crucial for U.S. companies to stay informed.
    Oct 21
  • Industry Self-Regulation Will Shine Post-Chevron

    In its landmark decision in Relentless Inc. v. U.S. Department of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the U.S. Supreme Court has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of regulatory governance in the U.S. And in the wake of the ruling, the implications for industry self-regulation loom large.
    Oct 2
  • U.S. Supreme Court Impact: Judicial Power at Work, Industry Self-Regulation in Play

    The U.S. Supreme Court decision, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, marked a pivotal shift in administrative law by overturning the Chevron deference doctrine and will have a long-term impact. The ruling also presents a unique opportunity for industries to fill regulatory gaps in a manner that enhances consumer trust.
    Sep 23
  • Washing Away Deceptive Business Practices

    Environmentalist Jay Westerveld first popularized the term “greenwashing” in 1986. As the term has morphed over time, it has spawned derivatives ranging from “AI washing” to “carewashing” to “healthwashing.” These terms serve to expose deceptive practices and encourage responsible behavior.
    Aug 29
  • Industry Self-Regulation: Part of the Solution for Governing Generative AI

    The spotlight on generative AI remains bright. The benefits and risks continue to be ever-present in the minds of business and political leaders. No matter the timing or the setting, the creation of transparency, accountability, and collaboration among stakeholders is key to successful industry self-regulation as is the importance of setting standards and best practices.
    Jul 8
  • How Will Customers Know They Can Trust Your Business?

    When customers trust you, they are more likely to do business with you. It is well past time for business leaders to “galvanize around trust and transparency.” When it comes to enhancing consumer trust, responsible business and nonprofit organizations can – and must – lead the way.
    Jun 13
  • Why Trust is Essential to Success in Business

    Trust cannot be imposed by the government, nor can it be proclaimed by a single company operating in a vast marketplace, and that has been true for decades. The building blocks of trust must come not just from businesses themselves but ideally from the industries of which they are a part.
    May 20
  • Integrating Soft Law as a ‘Middle Way” for Business and Nonprofit Success

    Now is not the time for businesses and nonprofits to go to extremes either. A middle way – a pathway that is built on a strong corporate governance foundation with a keen cognizance of the law – is the optimal path forward for continued innovation.
    Apr 29