CEO Insights

Thought leadership on pressing topics and emerging issues from BBB National Programs President & CEO Eric D. Reicin


  • Now Is The Time For Independent Industry Self-Regulation

    Recent Sanofi SA and Novo Nordisk pricing actions were seen by some as an example of industry self-regulation, but it is a very narrow example. Now, more than ever, is the time for real independent industry self-regulation to take root and grow, meaning guidelines with teeth.
    Apr 13
  • What All Businesses Can Learn From Recent Missteps In Crypto

    While the crypto market itself is quite revolutionary, its challenges in introducing a new concept to consumers are not new. In every emerging market, business leaders should take steps to generate excitement while being careful to avoid pitfalls by making advertising claims that they can support with evidence.
    Mar 21
  • AI And Machine Learning In The Workplace: Preparing For 2023

    In recent years, government scrutiny over the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the recruiting and hiring process has risen. A better understanding of these actions can help business leaders reduce their risk of legal liability and better understand how to use AI and machine learning responsibly in their organizations.
    Dec 26
  • Shifting Global Privacy Demands For Business: What Leaders Need To Know

    As businesses continue to develop new and innovative technologies, they are also collecting more data from consumers. While we await for additional guidance on the future of Privacy Shield, business and nonprofit leaders can take some lessons from Schrems I to help them prepare for what is to come.
    Dec 15
  • Purpose-Driven: How To Unleash Organization And Human Capital Potential

    Purpose is what moves people to take your organization to where it has never been. But how do you ensure that your employees can see their connection to purpose and know their contributions make a difference? To unleash the potential of your organization and its human capital, keep these four practices in mind.
    Nov 15
  • Teens Online: Responsible Data Considerations For Business Leaders

    In the current landscape of privacy protections there exist some unique potential harms specific to teens that businesses looking to responsibly engage with teens should consider.
    Aug 25
  • Advertising And Privacy: The Rules Of The Road For The Metaverse

    The metaverse is being hailed as the next big technological revolution. Through the lens of advertising and privacy, and the intersection of these with children’s well-being, what are the rules of the road for businesses interested in diving into the metaverse?
    Aug 18
  • Defining The 'S' In ESG And Navigating Disclosures

    For businesses interested in making robust ESG disclosures, not only can the sheer number of frameworks and standards make ESG performance reporting seem overwhelming, the frameworks themselves can be a bit fuzzy on how they define and measure the "S" of ESG.
    Jul 6
  • Protecting Consumer Health Data Privacy Beyond HIPAA

    Many are taking advantage of apps and other technologies to keep better track of our health in some shape or form, but it is not always clear how the personal information we input is collected, safeguarded, and shared online.
    Jun 15
  • Pursuing Best Practices For Representation In Advertising

    As advertising volume increases, so too do people’s expectations of representation in advertising. Unfortunately, advertising collectively is still falling short, and consumer perceptions reflect that. Why answer this call from consumers? And what is being done about it?
    Apr 13