CEO Insights

Thought leadership on pressing topics and emerging issues from BBB National Programs President & CEO Eric D. Reicin


  • Three Tips To Avoid Making Health-Related Claims That You Cannot Support With Evidence

    What can businesses do to stay out of trouble when making health and wellness claims? It is all about understanding what claims you are making and how to support those claims. To mitigate the risk of an unsupported health-related claim, businesses and nonprofits should avoid making any claims that they cannot support with the appropriate level of scientific evidence.
    Mar 1
  • Enhancing Brand Safety: Understanding Self-Regulation vs. Independent Industry Self-Regulation

    With copious amounts of content proliferating across a growing number of platforms and websites, it is an ongoing challenge for advertisers and platforms to ensure that digital ads are not placed next to harmful content. In this conversation, there is a key distinction few are making — the difference between ‘self-regulation’ and ‘independent, industry-wide self-regulation.’
    Jan 11
  • AI Can Be A Force For Good In Recruiting And Hiring New Employees

    A challenge for rapid innovation in any industry is the ability for legal and regulatory requirements to keep pace. In the recruiting and hiring process, company leaders are asking themselves: How can we combine important technological innovation with a proactive approach to employment law requirements?
    Dec 15
  • When Organizations Market To Children, They Should Do So Responsibly

    Today's generation of digital natives might be more comfortable navigating gaming and content platforms, but they face the same cognitive limitations — and vulnerabilities — that children always have. The gap between a child’s needs online and the safeguards in place to protect them in digital spaces has grown to the point where big players like Google and Facebook are making more of an effort to address these gaps.
    Nov 10
  • Why Independent Industry Self-Regulation Is Timelier Than Ever

    Although advertising’s platforms, technology, and techniques have changed dramatically, the system of independent industry self-regulation has sustained, and thrived, proving itself as an adaptable model to evolving business environments. Today, that model of responsible businesses allowing themselves to be held publicly accountable by independent self-regulation is timelier than ever.
    Sep 21
  • When Web Designs Turn Into Dark Patterns And What To Do About It

    Recently I wrote about the proliferation of dark patterns and tried to give readers a sense of just how widespread these practices are. But it is not just the pervasiveness of dark patterns that has lawmakers and regulators concerned, it is the intent behind them and their impact on consumers. Nonprofit leaders, in particular, should be aware of this and how to guard against it given that they are well-positioned to garner and enhance consumer trust.
    Jul 15
  • Understanding Dark Patterns: How To Stay Out Of The Gray Areas

    Where is the line between ethical, persuasive design and dark patterns? Businesses should engage in conversations with IT, compliance, risk, and legal teams to review their privacy policy, and include in the discussion the customer/user experience designers and coders responsible for the company’s user interface, as well as the marketers and advertisers responsible for sign-ups, checkout baskets, pricing, and promotions. Any or all these teams can play a role in creating or avoiding “digital deception.”
    May 19
  • Businesses Should Be Held Accountable For Their ESG Claims

    Today, businesses’ strategies and tactics to prove they are good corporate citizens go beyond the environment to include social and governance practices, otherwise known as ESG. Though consumers rely on businesses for information about their current corporate environmental efforts and their approaches to social and governance issues, ESG messaging is not something that consumers can easily confirm for themselves. A widespread commitment to accountability in ESG messaging to consumers would be an outstanding complement to the work that is already being done in communicating ESG policies to investors.
    Apr 22
  • Bridgers At The Gap: How Executives Can Share Best Practices Across Sectors

    Nonprofit organizations are often viewed as fundamentally different than for-profit enterprises, but those of us known as “bridgers” see striking similarities, albeit through a professional bifocal lens. We bridgers have transitioned in our careers from publicly traded or privately owned for-profit enterprises to nonprofit organizations, often with a goal to grow these nonprofits in pursuit of their missions. Our insights from both sides of “the bridge” provide us a dual perspective, where we can see that the needs, limitations and goals of for-profits and nonprofits are closer than they may seem at first glance.
    Mar 25
  • In 2021, Consumer And Stakeholder Privacy Is About Defining Trust

    As business and nonprofit leaders navigate the Fourth Industrial Revolution, consumer and stakeholder privacy has become a matter of defining trust. As new digital services and connected devices fueled by personal data flourish, consumers’ reasonable expectation of privacy shifts. If expectations do not match reality, it can lead to gaps in trust and new paths for litigation and regulatory enforcement. In this piece I outline a few 2021 privacy developments business and nonprofit leaders should note.
    Feb 19