Consumer Privacy in Telehealth: An Interview with the ATA

April 23, 2024

Privacy Abbreviated - An Interview with the ATA



In this episode of Priv, host Dona Fraser is joined by American Telehealth Association (ATA) Senior Vice President of Public Policy, Kyle Zebley to check up on consumer health data privacy in the telehealth industry.

From HIPAA to the pandemic to Dobbs to a hodge-podge of new state-level privacy laws, Dona and Kyle discuss the ways companies are navigating this complex terrain, how the world of telehealth has drastically changed, the role of AI in today’s telehealth privacy picture, and what this picture may look like in the future.


Related Resources

ATA Data Working Group and Privacy Principles

ATA Nexus 2024 Conference, May 5-7

Digital Health Privacy Program


Some key takeaways from this episode are:

  • (6:41) The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth, allowing patients to access care remotely and overcoming barriers such as geographic limitations and workforce shortages.
  • (10:33) Data privacy is a significant concern in telehealth, and organizations like the ATA are working to develop principles and advocate for consistent policies to protect patient information.
  • (17:25) The regulatory landscape for telehealth is complex, with federal and state laws impacting the delivery of care and the collection and use of health data. Consistency and clarity in regulations are essential to ensure compliance and enable innovation.
  • (25:36) AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving efficiency, personalizing care, and addressing workforce shortages. However, it is crucial to have accountability, oversight, and guardrails in place to mitigate bias and protect patient rights.
  • (33:03) The future of telehealth and data privacy will depend on ongoing federal conversations, legislative actions, and regulatory decisions. Stakeholders must work together to ensure that telehealth continues to expand and provide accessible and high-quality care.

Highly relevant to this conversation is BBB National Programs' Digital Health Privacy Program (DHPP). DHPP is crucial in the telehealth industry as it establishes protocols to protect the privacy of consumer health data, ensuring trust and confidentiality in remote healthcare interactions. By safeguarding sensitive information, DHPP fosters patient confidence in utilizing telehealth services, driving widespread adoption and improving healthcare accessibility. Request a free consultation with the Privacy Initiatives team to learn more.

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