BBB National Programs Podcasts

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  • 10/22/2024 - Privacy Year In Review: Laws, the Impact, and the Elephant in the Room

    For the season finale of Privacy Abbreviated, host Dona Fraser is joined by friend Morgan Reed, President of The App Association to discuss a year in review of privacy. Dona and Morgan discuss it all, from major developments in regulatory and enforcement actions, the need for comprehensive U.S. privacy and understanding of global privacy laws, to children’s privacy and the elephant in the room, AI. 
  • 10/10/2024 - Ad Watchers: A Chat with ICAS - What Are Ad Law’s Global Hot Topics?

    Ad Watchers goes global with Sibylle Stanciu-Loeckx of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation, discussing the international landscape of advertising self-regulation, including global hot topics, how countries find consensus on critical advertising issues, and the launch of a new Global Think Tank.

  • 9/18/2024 - Making Sense of AI Governance

    On this episode of Priv, Miles Light steps into the role of host for this conversation, joined by Brenda Leong, a partner at Luminos.Law to discuss the responsibilities and requirements of artificial intelligence (AI), in privacy and beyond. 
  • 8/20/2024 - Protecting Child Influencers

    In this episode of In the Sandbox with CARU, host Rukiya Bonner is joined by team to discuss the business of child influencers, breaking down state laws, the role of a parent in the business, and special considerations for working with a young creator. 
  • 8/07/2024 - Ad Watchers: AI is Everywhere - What about advertising?

    For this episode of Ad Watchers, Eric and Annie tackle artificial intelligence (AI), a term on the minds of businesses and on the radar of the National Advertising Division (NAD). In this episode, our hosts are joined by guest Ken Crutchfield to discuss AI’s potential impact on advertising.

  • 7/17/2024 - Likely to be Accessed: Do You Know Who Your Users Are?

    Join us for this episode of Priv, where Dona Fraser is joined by Phyllis Marcus to discuss the broad operational, financial, and logistical impacts and challenges of trying to protect both children and teens online under the same laws and regulations. 

  • 7/10/2024 - Ad Watchers: Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures: Can You Read the Fine Print?

    From small fonts to fast talking and distracting music, our hosts revisit this common issue area in advertising law, discuss what it takes for a disclosure to be considered clear and conspicuous, and share some lessons learned from a series of advertisements, both print and in TV commercials, that didn’t quite meet the clear and conspicuous standard. 

  • 6/20/2024 - Breaking Down AdTech: Cookies and Pixels and SDKs, Oh My!

    This episode of Priv breaks down the most talked about issues in the adtech space, including the impact of the death of the cookie, the focus of regulators on the newest kid on the block - the pixel, lessons learned from recent SDK legal cases, what all of this looks like for children and teens, and what the legislative and regulatory road ahead looks like.

  • 6/05/2024 - Ad Watchers: The best subject in advertising law: Is it puffery?

    For this episode of Ad Watchers, join us for Eric’s favorite ad law topic: puffery, an exaggerated, blustering, or boastful statement or general claim that could only be understood to be an expression of opinion, not a statement of fact. But where is the line between puffery and a claim that needs a reasonable basis?

  • 5/15/2024 - Cross Border Privacy Rules Goes Global: A Deep Dive on CBPRs

    Privacy professionals are faced with what seems like a never-ending, sometimes overwhelming stream of new privacy laws and regulations, both here in the U.S. and abroad. In this episode of Priv, host Dona Fraser is joined by Victoria Akosile, Deputy Director of BBB National Programs Privacy Initiatives to take you from APEC to global CBPRs, explaining all of the acronyms in between. 

  • 5/14/2024 - The Evolution of Advertising in the Children’s Space

    In 1974 the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) was established to protect children under age 13 from deceptive or inappropriate advertising. Over the years, CARU expanded to address new media platforms, new advertising techniques, and to ensure that children’s data is collected and handled responsibly online. Join us to discuss how advertising has changed, identify CARU’s impactful guidelines, and explain CARU’s role in helping ensure that as technology has changed, children remain protected.

  • 5/08/2024 - Ad Watchers: Revisiting Consumer Reviews: Incentivized, Inflated, or Authentic?

    In this episode of Ad Watchers, our hosts address an issue that is on the FTC’s radar this year: the power of consumer reviews in influencing consumer purchasing decisions, including recent NAD cases reflecting updates to the FTC’s Endorsement Guides as well as the good, the bad, and the gray in advertising using consumer reviews.

  • 4/23/2024 - Consumer Privacy in Telehealth: An Interview with the ATA

    In this episode of Priv, Dona Fraser is joined by Kyle Zebley from the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) to get a check-up on consumer health data privacy in the telehealth industry. From HIPAA to the pandemic to Dobbs to a hodge podge of new state-level privacy laws, Dona and Kyle discuss the companies navigating this complex terrain, how the world of telehealth has changed, and of course, a look at the Priv crystal ball. 

  • 4/03/2024 - Ad Watchers: Endorsements & Testimonials - So What’s New?

    In this episode of Ad Watchers, our hosts discuss recent cases before the National Advertising Division (NAD) that demonstrate issues outlined in the FTC’s updated Endorsement Guides and outline the best practices you should follow to stay off the radar of the FTC and NAD.

  • 3/27/2024 - The COPPA Rule: Proposed Changes, the Impact, & the Magic 8-Ball

    Priv host Dona Fraser is joined by SIIA Vice President, Education & Children’s Policy, Sara Kloek, and CARU Director, Rukiya Bonner, to discuss the COPPA Rule review and how we got here, what the proposed changes mean, the potential impacts of these changes for businesses and Safe Harbors, as well as some predictions on the road ahead.
  • 10/25/2023 - Privacy for Start-Ups

    With tens of thousands of entrepreneurs in the United States, how do these business leaders ensure privacy is part of any pivots or growth plans? What are the data wants vs the must haves? Priv hosts are joined by the Tech Diplomacy Network’s Katharina Koerner and Santa Clara University’s Professor Linsey Krolik to discuss the privacy questions entrepreneurs face when getting their business started.

    • 9/27/2023 - The Government Purchase of Private Data

      In this episode of Privacy Abbreviated, professor Matthew Tokson joins our hosts to discuss how the collection and sale of private data may help government agencies circumvent legal requirements.

      • 9/13/2023 - Ad Watchers: What is the appeal of an appeal? Getting to Know NARB

        In this episode of Ad Watchers, your hosts discuss a critical link in the chain of advertising industry self-regulation: the National Advertising Review Board, or NARB, the appellate body for National Advertising Division cases. 

      • 8/23/2023 - Filling Privacy Gaps with Soft Law Solutions

        In this episode of Privacy Abbreviated, our hosts are joined by the Future of Privacy Forum’s Jameson Spivack to discuss how industry-developed standards and best practices can guide policymaking allowing hard law to adopt the lessons learned from soft law.

        • 8/09/2023 - Ad Watchers: The NAD Top 10 — Did you know?

          In this episode of Ad Watchers, hosts Dan and Annie take you behind the scenes of the U.S. system of self-regulation in the advertising industry and discuss some of the myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings advertisers have.