National Advertising Division Refers Afloia Direct to FTC, Platforms After Company Fails to Respond to Compliance Inquiry Regarding Air Purifier Claims

McLean, VA – March 4, 2025 – BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division has referred Homintell Inc. (d/b/a Afloia Direct) to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for a lack of response to a compliance inquiry regarding discontinuance of advertising claims for its HEPA Air Purifiers.

The referral stems from a National Advertising Division (NAD) challenge by Vesync Corporation against Afloia for express and implied claims that its HEPA Air Purifiers and filters met HEPA and H13 standards.

Afloia agreed to permanently discontinue the challenged claims. However, Vesync requested NAD open a compliance inquiry due to advertisements featuring the same or substantially similar claims that Afloia had previously agreed to discontinue.

Despite numerous outreach attempts, Afloia failed to respond to NAD’s compliance inquiry and therefore NAD has referred the matter to the appropriate government agency, in this case the FTC, and platforms on which Afloia’s advertising appeared and NAD has a reporting relationship.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.