Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council Refers Globe Life Earnings Claims to the Federal Trade Commission and Ohio Attorney General

McLean, VA – March 26, 2025 – The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC) of BBB National Programs referred direct selling company Globe Life Family Heritage Division of America to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Ohio Attorney General’s office after Globe Life failed to confirm its intent to comply with DSSRC recommendations to discontinue unsubstantiated earnings claims made on the Globe Life website and by its salesforce members on social media. 

DSSRC is an independent national advertising self-regulation program that monitors advertising and marketing claims in the direct selling industry. Globe Life is a direct selling company that markets supplemental health and life insurance policies.

Earnings Claims
  • “Baylor came to work with us in March of this year. He said he saw our post on Indeed and believed it would be something he would enjoy and that it would provide him with time and financial freedom.”
  • “Know anyone looking for an awesome career with uncapped income potential, a true impact with clients, travel, residuals, a company with integrity that keeps its promises, training from one of the top in the nation, and generally rad people to work with…?" 
  • “No matter your experience, Family Heritage insurance sales careers can allow you to find financial security not just for you but also for the communities we serve. You determine your worth, bolstered by our compensation packages, monetary and travel incentives, and training opportunities.” 
  • “Want to earn what you're worth… You will determine how fast you advance and how much you earn with us!” 
  • “Our sales and management professionals take advantage of the fact that there is no limit to the amount they can earn. Put simply, the more you work, the more you will get paid.” 
  • “Let's cut to the chase. You want to know how many commas you can earn on your check through an insurance sales career, right? Ground-breaking news for you: you determine your worth. Your check depends on how hard you work.”

In response to DSSRC’s inquiry, Globe Life stated that it believes the identified claims found on its website fairly describe the Company’s business opportunity and that it stands by its website content. Regarding the social media posts, Globe Life claims that the social posts are accurate.

However, Globe Life declined to provide any substantive evidence to substantiate the earnings claims, arguing that it was not subject to DSSRC’s self-regulatory purview. Pursuant to the DSSRC Policies & Procedures, DSSRC’s jurisdictional purview encompasses “earnings claims and product claims made by any direct selling company.” Globe Life did not dispute that it operates using a direct selling business model, and, as a result, is subject to DSSRC’s review. 

Based on FTC and DSSRC guidance, direct selling companies have a responsibility to ensure that any express or implied earnings claims made to potential recruits or the general public, are clear, substantiated, and reflective of what can reasonably be expected by the typical member of their salesforce. 

In the absence of any evidence to support the earnings claims at issue in this inquiry, DSSRC recommended Globe Life discontinue or significantly modify the claims. 

Globe Life failed to provide a statement to DSSRC indicating that it would either adhere to DSSRC’s recommendations or appeal the case to the DSSRC Appellate Board, thus, pursuant to its procedures, DSSRC referred Globe Life to the FTC and the Ohio Attorney General’s office. 

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of DSSRC decisions, visit the DSSRC Cases and Closures webpage.