The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council
Case Number: 41-2021 – Government Referral – Alliance in Motion Global, Inc.


Company Description

Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (“AMG” or the “Company”) is a direct selling company that was founded in 2005 and which distributes and markets food supplements manufactured by Nature’s Way USA, and premium blended beverages.


Basis of Inquiry

The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (“DSSRC”) is a national advertising self-regulation program administered by BBB National Programs. This inquiry was commenced by DSSRC pursuant to its ongoing independent monitoring of advertising and marketing claims in the direct selling industry. 

DSSRC identified the following representative product performance claims and earnings claims being disseminated on the Company website and by the Company’s independent salesforce members on social media. DSSRC was concerned that the representative claims below communicate that AMG products can protect against serious health-related conditions including COVID-19 and that AMG independent salesforce members can typically earn significant income through the AMG business opportunity.  


Product Claims

  • “An effective remedy for body pain
    The CARELEAF helps all kinds of pain in your body like?
  • “Protection against Corona Virus
    • Strengthening the immune system against diseases; normal blood pressure, blood sugar and blood cholesterol; helps reduce stress and anxiety; enhances sexual vitality; helps prevent heart disease, cancer, arthritis, rheumatoid, and other diseases; helps reduce the bad effects of chemotherapy or radiation; cleaning the inside of our body to release all toxins through normal diarrhea; healthy and protecting our liver, kidney and pancreas so that it won’t get damaged especially if we take a lot of synthetic drugs; gum and teeth strengthening.”


  • “In AIM GLOBAL Health, we have a variety of world class Nutritional medicines. They are nutritional supplements which are very effective, and are healing a variety of diseases. Sugar diabetes, low or high blood pressure, stroke, heart problems, ulcers, men's and women's health problems and many others. Therefore, boost your immune system and stay healthy with our products. All Alliance in Motion Global medicines are certified in Zambia by ZAMRA.”


  • YouTube video advertising the Company’s products with images depicting effects of multiple factors on health with copy stating, “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE!”


Earnings Cl aims  

  • “’TURNING ORDINARY PEOPLE INTO EXTRAORDINARY MILLIONAIRES.’ – AIM Global can help ordinary people achieve their dreams, have financial freedom and have a balanced life.”

  • “Our Mission – ‘To open the doors of opportunity and prosperity by empowering our distributors to achieve financial independence and economic stability by maximizing the wealth of the market through our breakthrough products and services.’”

  • “Where will your 6,980 PHP take you? Batanes? Cebu? Bohol? Siargao? Davao? Boracay? Maybe. But what if your 6,980 PHP can take you farther like Hong Kong, Maldives, United States, Europe, and a lot more. What if your 6,980 PHP can give you unlimited income, a new car, a new home, and a brighter future? Sounds ambitious right? But no. It’s highly possible.


So how can you earn millions out of your 6,980 PHP with our program? All you need to do is build an organization of people by using the Law of Leverage. Which is the ability to multiply your time, effort, money, and yourself through others. You can earn unlimited income by retailing our products.”


Company’s Non-Participation in the DSSRC Process

DSSRC first brought the representative claims and issues identified above to the Company’s attention by emailing and sending by overnight mail a copy of an inquiry letter to AMG on June 4, 2021. The Company was provided with 15-business days to respond to the DSSRC inquiry pursuant to section (II)(4) of the DSSRC Policies and Procedures.  

After the Company failed to provide a response within 15 business days, DSSRC made several efforts to contact the Company. After receiving no response, a 10-Day notice was sent to the Company on June 29, 2021 by both email and UPS 2-Day mail indicating that, if the Company failed to provide a response to DSSRC regarding the claims and issue within 10 business days, the matter would be referred to the appropriate government agency. 

Notwithstanding the additional opportunity to respond to DSSRC’s inquiry, the Company again failed to respond to DSSRC. DSSRC also confirmed that all of the subject claims remain active and accessible to the public. 


Referral to Government

DSSRC determined that the claims that were the subject of this inquiry reasonably communicated that AMG products can effectively treat serious health-related conditions including COVID-19 and diabetes. In addition, Company salesforce members have disseminated aggressive income opportunity claims on social media including, but not limited to, claims that AMG presents an “unlimited income opportunity,” that the AMG can turn “ORDINARY PEOPLE INTO EXTRAORDINARY MILLIONAIRES” and provide “financial freedom” and “financial independence.” All such claims appear unsupported.

Despite DSSRC exercising its due diligence in attempting to contact the Company several times, the Company did not respond to the self-regulatory inquiry. In accordance with section (II)(9) of the DSSRC Policies and Procedures, in the event the company whose marketing is the subject of a DSSRC inquiry fails to participate in the self-regulatory process, DSSRC may refer the matter to an appropriate government agency for review and possible law enforcement action.  

Accordingly, based upon AMG’s failure to respond to the self-regulatory inquiry, DSSRC referred this matter to the Federal Trade Commission. 


(Case No. 41-2021 PCM, closed on 07/15/21)

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