The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council
Case Number: 71-2022 – Monitoring Inquiry – Lifebrook, LLC


Company Description

Lifebrook, LLC (Lifebrook or the Company) was a multilevel marketing company headquartered in Vermillion, South Dakota that sells juices, supplements, and other products containing Aronia.

Basis of Inquiry

The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (“DSSRC”) is a national advertising self-regulation program administered by BBB National Programs. This inquiry was commenced by DSSRC pursuant to its ongoing independent monitoring of advertising and marketing claims in the direct selling industry.

This inquiry concerns product claims by the Company’s salesforce members. The representative claims that formed the basis of this inquiry were located on Company salesforce member Facebook accounts. Those claims are set forth below:

  • “This potent juice is good for many things including helping to cleanse and rid the body of heavy metals and harmful substances that causes cancer. Additionally, it helps to prevent Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar Issues and High Cholesterol.”
  • “Strengthen your body against Corona Virus and overall Health increase by getting your bottle of Puronia”
  • Here are some of the benefits of drinking Puronia which is made from 99.5% Aronia Berry juice and 0.5% lemon juice. This is not a conclusive list…Blood pressure; Cardiovascular; Blood Sugar; Diabetes; Breast Health; Anti-inflammatory; Digestive Health; Colon Health; Kidney Health; Memory; Nervous System; Obesity; Eye Health; Cholesterol; Immune System; Prostate Health; Urinary Tract; Joint Health; Skin; Oxidative Stress; Viral Infections; Sexual Health”
  • “This juice helps eliminate cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, insomnia, high blood pressure, coronavirus, you name it.”


  • “I lost 40 lbs in 6 months without any exercise!
    Not only did I lost weight, my blood pressure went down, lowered my cholesterol, I sleep better and I feel better than ever…
    I strongly recommend this juice for families to strengthen their immune systems and stay healthy!”
  • “Make Your Heart Beat Stronger With the Help of Aronia Berry
    Key advantages of Aronia berry for heart-health

    ✅It reduces cardiovascular risk markers

    ✅It decreases cell damage

    ✅It supports the flow of red blood cells, which then decreases #cholesterol

    ✅It stabilizes #bloodpressure”

  • “I have a new health product I know some of you need.

    Aronia Berry Juice helps:

    💥High blood pressure
    💥High cholesterol
    💥So much more.....”


  • “Check out this website outlining where studies have shown that antioxidants from the Aronia berry help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, inflammation, diabetes, bacterial infections and neurological diseases.”
  • “Purple People Healer is what these products have been to my body. I’ve have diabetes for over 233 years and everything that could have happen to me has. From losing sight in my eyes, weakness in my muscles and joints; even ED, If you’re looking for real help.”
  • “Suffering from blood pressure?
    Regular intake of Aronia Berries helps maintain normal blood pressure levels. It prevents spasms in the blood vessels and keeps blood pressure away from the “danger zone.” Juice or tea from Aronia Berry is recommended for people who have problems with blood pressure”

  • “Healing in a Bottle
    The Juice that everyone is talking About!!
    Great for Pressure, Diabetes…Serious Viruses


DSSRC informed the Company of its concern that the social media posts appear to communicate that the Company’s products can treat several serious health-related conditions including, but not limited to, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and COVID.

Company’s Position

The Company informed DSSRC that it ceased operating as a multi-level marketing company effective March 23, 2022, and that all sales and contact with its salesforce members have ceased since that time. A Google search for Lifebrook shows the Company as permanently closed and DSSRC could not access the Company’s website.


Based on the forgoing, DSSRC administratively closed this inquiry as the Company is no longer engaged in direct selling.

(Case #71-2022 closed on 6/01/2022)
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