Case #108-2023: Administrative Closure – Save the Day Seasonings


The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council 

Case Number 108-2023: Administrative Closure – Save the Day Seasonings


Company Description

Save the Day Seasonings (“the Company”) was a multilevel marketing company founded in 2016 and headquartered in Meridian, Idaho. The Company markets mixed spices and seasonings.


Basis of inquiry

The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (“DSSRC”) is a national advertising self-regulation program administered by BBB National Programs. This inquiry was commenced by DSSRC pursuant to its ongoing independent monitoring of advertising and marketing claims in the direct selling industry.

This inquiry concerns earnings claims by the Company’s salesforce members. The representative claims that formed the basis of this inquiry were located on the Facebook accounts of Company salesforce members. Those claims are set forth below:


Earnings Claims

  • “Are you looking for a way to make additional income, or replace your income? We are committed to helping and training all those who join our Save the Day family to achieve financial success.”1


  • “If you are looking to replace or supplement your income…”2
  • “Extra Income anyone. Or a full time Income. You choose your success”



In a Notice of Inquiry letter that was sent to the Company by email and hard copy on February 20, 2023, DSSRC informed Save the Day Seasonings of its concerns that the subject social media posts can be reasonably interpreted as communicating that Company salesforce members can replace their income from participation in the Save the Day Seasonings business opportunity.

The Company did not provide a response to DSSRC’s inquiry.


Administrative Closing

Shortly after the Notice of Inquiry had been mailed to the Company, DSSRC learned Save the Day Seasonings ceased operating as a multi-level direct selling company in January 2021. This was confirmed during a telephone conversation with the Company’s Chief Executive Officer.

As noted in Section III of the DSSRC Policy and Procedures, DSSSC reviews earnings claims and product claims made by any direct selling company (i.e., companies who sell their products and services directly to consumers through an independent salesforce) and/or its salesforce members and evaluates the truthfulness, accuracy, and substantiation of such earnings and product claims. Accordingly, as Save the Day Seasonings no longer provides a business opportunity through a direct selling, network marketing  business model, DSSRC agreed that it does not have the appropriate jurisdiction of the matter and, as such, has administratively closed the inquiry. 

Notwithstanding this determination, the Company vowed to contact the individuals responsible for the social media posts identified by DSSRC and request that they be removed. Consequently, as a result of Save the Day Seasonings’ efforts, the Company was successful in removing four of the five social media posts brought to its attention. Moreover, Save the Day Seasonings informed DSSRC that it would continue to use its best efforts to have the remaining social post removed.  

While DSSRC remained concerned with the substantive earnings claims communicated in the one remaining social media post at issue, because the Company no longer operates as a multi-level direct selling company, it was determined that this inquiry is no longer appropriate for investigation in this forum. Nevertheless, DSSRC expressed its appreciation to Save the Day Seasonings for its good faith actions to remove four of the social media posts that were brought to its attention in this inquiry and encouraged the Company to continue its efforts to have the remaining, publicly accessible post taken down.

As such, DSSRC administratively closed the inquiry pursuant to the Policies and Procedures for the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council.


(Case #108-2023 closed on 3/3/23)
© 2023 BBB National Programs



[1] This identical claim was made on two different social media posts disseminated by Save the Day Seasonings salesforce members.

[2] This identical claim was made on three different social posts disseminated by Save the Day Seasonings salesforce members.