Pre-Screening Services
From concept to final cut, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) offers pre-screening services to help businesses and agencies spot and correct advertising and privacy issues before ads, contests, and promotional websites go live.
Creating children’s advertising is full of potential pitfalls.
If your ad shows children playing in a pool, did you remember to include a shot of an adult supervising? Does your ad use dark patterns? Is your ad, and the associated campaign, compliant with CARU Guidelines, FTC laws and guidance, COPPA, and truth-in-advertising principles?
Don’t risk having to reshoot. Get pre-screened and avoid expensive mistakes.
Expert guidance available at all stages in the creative process
- From concept to storyboards and scripts to rough cuts and polished pieces
- Review available across all advertisement platforms
- Spot any potential problems with an advertisement before it goes into production
Comply with applicable guidelines and laws without stifling creativity
- Develop your advertising and web promotions in compliance with CARU’s guidelines
- Have confidence that your ad is compliant with federal and state privacy and advertising law principles
- Receive analysis, advice, and input regarding child-appropriate messaging and content prior to distribution

Quick and Cost-Effective
One-on-One Support
Review at Any Stage of Ad Development