Digital Advertising Accountability Program

Digital Advertising Accountability Program 

The Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP) is a program that enforces industry self-regulation principles for data privacy in web and mobile advertising. To build trust in the marketplace, consumers need to have transparency and choice about the collection and use of their data for interest-based ads. DAAP, developed to support the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), holds companies accountable to the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles for online privacy.  

Program Impact

As an independent accountability agent, DAAP advances innovation in the digital marketplace by providing objective, independent, and vigorous monitoring and enforcement of the DAA’s Principles, which were adopted to improve consumers’ understanding and control over interest-based advertising on desktop computers and mobile devices, across apps and browsers, and in digital political advertising. 



Monitoring & Enforcement

DAAP monitors how companies are collecting or using data about individuals’ web-surfing and app usage behavior and, in cases of non-compliance, DAAP brings formal inquiries to resolve privacy issues. The results of all formal cases and compliance warnings are published publicly.

Complaint Resolution

DAAP processes thousands of business and consumer complaints each year, manages the complaint resolution process, and takes enforcement action when it is necessary to bring a company into compliance.

Education & Outreach

Whether it is public speaking engagements or confidential, informal inquiries from businesses and their attorneys about compliance, DAAP applies its experience to regularly support both consumers and businesses looking to create a more trusted digital marketplace.

Political Advertising

Online political advertising is a major medium of democracy, helping candidates reach their voters through a variety of tools and platforms. DAAP enforces the DAA’s Political Advertising Principles so consumers know when they are seeing certain political ads and who paid for them.

Principles & Procedures

As this technical space evolves, DAAP continues to have a significant impact on consumer privacy and the advertising industry because of: 


  • Substantive Standards: The standards meaningfully address online privacy by providing consumers with real-time notice about interest-based advertising, enabling them to opt out. 


  • Government Backstop: Non-compliant companies and app publishers are referred to the appropriate federal or state regulatory agency when necessary.


  • Public Accountability: The outcomes of all formal inquiries are made public, building confidence in industry accountability.


  • Industry Support: Digital advertising industry leaders developed the standards for this program and voluntarily comply.  

News & Blog


Breaking Down AdTech: Cookies and Pixels and SDKs, Oh My!

This episode of Priv breaks down the most talked about issues in the adtech space, including the impact of the death of the cookie, the focus of regulators on the newest kid on the block - the pixel, lessons learned from recent SDK legal cases, what all of this looks like for children and teens, and what the legislative and regulatory road ahead looks like.

Listen to the Podcast

BBB National Programs’ Privacy Watchdog Ensures Shein Adheres to Digital Advertising Privacy Best Practices

McLean, VA – April 11, 2024 - The Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP) worked with global fast fashion retailer, Shein to bring its website and mobile apps into compliance with the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) Self-Regulatory Principles for online interest-based advertising (IBA). 

Read the Decision Summary

Monetization: The Privacy Risks and Rewards of In-App Purchases and IBA

Every day, teens download apps for free on the Google Play and Apple App Stores and, in doing so, participate in a hidden advertising ecosystem that collects data from them. In-app purchase options and behavioral advertising further complicate things. Though these monetization models have caused the mobile app economy to flourish, they sometimes come at the cost of user privacy.
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COVID-19 and its Impact on the Future of Privacy and Tech

As political leaders around the world struggle to address the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s of little surprise they are turning to new technologies to stop the spread. The efficacy of those technologies is being tested every day, and winners and losers are already being identified.
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Political Advertising Transparency Project

Online political advertising is a major medium of democracy. It helps candidates reach their audiences across a wide variety of platforms and aims to persuade and mobilize voters—but users often want to know why they are seeing certain political ads and how they are being paid for.


In an effort to empower users and address the unfolding challenge of transparency around political advertising, the DAA released a set of industry-standard principles that require up-front disclosures about paid-for political speech. DAAP, which has been enforcing the DAA’s data privacy principles since 2011, monitored the world of online political ads since the beginning of 2020 to ensure campaigns meet these new standards. As an independent, politically neutral arbiter, DAAP can be trusted to fairly apply these new principles in the tumultuous realm of political speech.

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