Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council Recommends Changing the Future Outcomes Discontinue Earnings and Product Performance Claims
McLean, VA – March 5, 2025 – The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC) of BBB National Programs recommended that Changing the Future Outcomes, Inc. (CTFO) discontinue earnings and health-related product performance claims made by salesforce members on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and on the CTFO’s website.
CTFO is a direct selling company that sells CBD oils, tinctures, topical creams, capsules, pet products, and other items derived from hemp and designed to promote overall health. The 11 earnings claims and 11 product performance claims at issue were identified by DSSRC through its ongoing, independent monitoring of advertising claims in the direct selling industry.
Earnings claims include but are not limited to:
Product performance claims include but are not limited to:
DSSRC was concerned that the challenged claims communicated the message that salesforce members can generally expect to earn significant or full-time income from the CTFO business opportunity and that CTFO products are efficacious in addressing serious health-related conditions.
CTFO did not attempt to substantiate the challenged product or earnings claims and informed DSSRC that it was able to successfully have all of the challenged earnings claims and three of the challenged product performance claims taken down. The remaining product performance claims were either made by salesforce members who are no longer associated with CTFO or by salesforce members who no longer have access to the accounts where the claims were made.
CTFO reached out to the individuals to request that the remaining posts be removed and contacted the social media platforms where the claims were found to request that the challenged posts be removed. In addition, DSSRC recommends that CTFO should comment on the posts that are still accessible to make it clear that the claims made in the social media posts have not been authorized by CTFO.
All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of DSSRC decisions, visit the DSSRC Cases and Closures webpage.
CTFO is a direct selling company that sells CBD oils, tinctures, topical creams, capsules, pet products, and other items derived from hemp and designed to promote overall health. The 11 earnings claims and 11 product performance claims at issue were identified by DSSRC through its ongoing, independent monitoring of advertising claims in the direct selling industry.
Earnings claims include but are not limited to:
- “Up To $2,500 Weekly Leadership Impact Bonus Possible” and “You could earn over $13,000, but that’s not the exciting part.”
- “Get paid weekly💵, have products that everyone wants and needs with NO RISK. . . . An amazing compensation plan like no other for those wanting to make some extra 💲💲💲 or make life changing income!!”
- “Get in touch to learn how to make a 5-figure income from these products.”
- “There’s no caps to your income” and “This is really the perfect timing to get started in your business today and create that lifestyle income.”
- “TWO ACTION STEPS TO THRIVE & 5 TIMES YOUR INCOME” and “making a few hundred dollars a week to a 2000 becomes our 5k we want to create a 5k factory” and “we want people that want to maybe leave their job one day or looking for full-time income or looking for real serious life-changing financial freedom”
- “What would an extra $500 - $1000 per month do for your family? #payoffdebt #fixyourcredit #newhomeowner #payforcollege #carloans #mortgage #tiredofbeingbroke”
- “change your life forever both health-wise and financially”; “we could earn over four thousand dollars a month”; “$34.99 for a whole month supply you'd be making over $5,000”; “making over $7,000 a month” and “eighteen thousand dollars a month”
- “ I LOVE HOW THIS COMPANY HAS HELPED ME GAIN FINANCIAL FREEDOM” “Want money to pay off debt, save to buy a house, go on vacation or save to retire early?”
Product performance claims include but are not limited to:
- “This exclusive formula is designed to be a catalyst for noticeable weight loss. Expertly formulated to support elevated mood & energy, reduce appetite, decrease carbohydrate cravings, and increase metabolic efficiency to release stubborn stored fat and burn it for energy. Formulated by a Naturopathic Doctor, select clinically researched weight loss enhancers have been combined to help speed up the journey to your ideal weight.”
- “Reduce Oxidative Stress: Stress, Poor Diet, Smoking, and Infections.”
- “First it helps with stress, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, trouble sleeping, low libido, frequent illness so it builds your immune system, anxiety, low endurance, mentally or physically, joint pain, and neurological conditions.”
- “We are 365 nights seizure free 100% because of 10x Pure Super 1000 CBD oil with CBDa 🙌🙏 He has ONLY been on this & 0 meds & has stayed seizure free. There is NO other explanation & his neurologist told me ‘Whatever you are doing, keep doing it’”
- “Yesterday, my arthritis/cramp started coming into my right hand. All I did was spray some mist on it and literally within less than a minute there was no more pain and no more stiffness in my hand.”
- “As many of you know, I have been in chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, type 2 diabetes and many more conditions. . . . I started using it in the end of July and it has changed my life! I can move without pain, I actually got off of a Narcotic prescription a couple of months ago because of that amazing oil.”
DSSRC was concerned that the challenged claims communicated the message that salesforce members can generally expect to earn significant or full-time income from the CTFO business opportunity and that CTFO products are efficacious in addressing serious health-related conditions.
CTFO did not attempt to substantiate the challenged product or earnings claims and informed DSSRC that it was able to successfully have all of the challenged earnings claims and three of the challenged product performance claims taken down. The remaining product performance claims were either made by salesforce members who are no longer associated with CTFO or by salesforce members who no longer have access to the accounts where the claims were made.
CTFO reached out to the individuals to request that the remaining posts be removed and contacted the social media platforms where the claims were found to request that the challenged posts be removed. In addition, DSSRC recommends that CTFO should comment on the posts that are still accessible to make it clear that the claims made in the social media posts have not been authorized by CTFO.
All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of DSSRC decisions, visit the DSSRC Cases and Closures webpage.