BBB National Programs Press Releases

National Advertising Review Board Welcomes 18 New Members From Nation’s Leading Companies, Ad Agencies, Universities

New York, NY – March 1, 2017 – The National Advertising Review Board (NARB) recently welcomed 18 new members, selected for their standing and expertise, to serve with the advertising industry’s only peer-review organization.

The 70-member NARB, founded in 1971, is the appellate unit of the industry’s self-regulatory system. NARB decisions provide informative guidance to advertisers and help assure that advertising claims are truthful and accurate.

To secure a diversity of perspectives, NARB panelists come from companies that advertise, from agencies that create advertising and from schools and universities that offer advertising and marketing course work. Panelists are nominated to serve by the 4A’s, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). All panelists are volunteers.

“It’s an honor to serve as a board member of the NARB, and to represent the interests of advertisers while protecting consumers from false or misleading advertising claims I believe that peer-review through the NARB provides a fair and efficient self-regulatory mechanism to help maintain a truthful, credible advertising ecosystem,” said Glenn Roginski, Director, Media & Connections, Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson.

“I volunteered to serve on the NARB to participate in and encourage self-regulation of advertising. Self-regulation of advertising is important because it gives companies an opportunity to have a
third party evaluate the merits and substantiation of advertising messages without involving the court system,” said David Dobbins, Media and Print Services Director, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. “The NARB provides a valuable service because it is a neutral venue to do a final review of disputed case findings. I look forward to working with my peers to review referred cases and provide a reasoned evaluation of the previous findings.”

Five-member NARB panels are convened to review disputed decisions of the National Advertising Division (NAD) or Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU). NARB panelists examine the record of NAD or CARU proceedings and make determinations as to the truth and accuracy of the advertising claims at issue.

In the past three years, NARB panels have evaluated claims for products as varied as motor oil, pet food, personal care products, internet service speeds and quality, disinfectants, paints and dietary supplements.

“The expertise and integrity that our NARB members bring to the table is critical to the success of our advertising self-regulatory review mandate,” said Wally Snyder, Chair, NARB.
“Their dedication and commitment to an impartial review of the facts and law is an essential element of the strong system of self-regulation the advertising industry provides today.”